



Planinarski savez Zagreba

When: Sunday, 09. 05.2010.

1st start time: 09:30 h

Dubravica - near town Zapresic, 25km from Zagreb
see the map

Entries: vihor@vihor.hr

Tel/fax: 385 (0)1 48 18 551(from 09.30 until 15.00h)

Deadline for entries: Thursday, 04.05.2011. untill 16.00 h


Entries are possible on the day of the event at the start. Please do make your entrie before due to a large number of entries and large interest for the race. Those making entries on the start will start after kids entried before.

If you can not came to the race an you have already made entrie please give us a notice that you want come.


We have two age categories divided on male and female kids:

W7: born 2004. and earlier
M7: born 2004. and earlier
W10: born 2001. to 2003.
M10: born 2001. to 2003.
W12: born 1999. and 2000.
W12: born 1999. and 2000.

In case of few entries in one categorie the categories will be merged

Every competitor gets a medal, and first 3 in category for older boys and girls get special medals and prizes.

After crossing the finish line kids will get some candies.

Maps will stay to every little competitor :)
Entrie fee is 20 kuna ( 3 Euro).

You can make your payment on the start of the event.

(please prepare exact amount if you can).

For those making entry on time there will be a start list which will be published on this web page.
Kids race will be held in every weather condition (rain, snow, sun, fog).
It is an orienteering kids race so it will be in nature (park and forest near the finish are). Please put apropriate clothes on your youngsters. Kids can go on the track with their parents or friends if they want so. Every minute there will be start for two little kids from different categories.